Donation Policy
and request

Lake Tahoe Balloons and it's employees are grateful to live and operate in the wonderful community of South Lake Tahoe, CA.

We believe strongly that in addition to providing excellent products and an enjoyable place for employees to work, a business should influence good in the world by contributing to charities both locally and global. Because of this belief, Lake Tahoe Balloons commits 1% of it's annual revenue to donation for local causes, 1% to causes outside of South Lake Tahoe and 1% to environmental causes. Sadly we cannot afford to contribute to every charity so not all requests will be granted a donation.

At the beginning of every quarter, our captain, pilot and crew are given the opportunity to review all the request submitted the prior quarter and select which causes they wish to support. After their selections are made, recipients are notified by email if their cause was chosen or denied.

If you wish to receive a donation from Lake Tahoe Balloons, please complete the following form:

Season: Mid-May through Mid-October - $325 per person - Book Now!